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« Risposta #506 il: 05 Dicembre 2014, 14:41:17 » |
Dal forum di animesuki un riassunto; sono molto perplessa circa la trama: ricalca un po' l'episodio con l'attacco telepatico di Celetra alla Yamato, che personalmente non mi aveva per niente entusiasmato:
Yamato leaves the Great Magelanic Galaxy. With Mikage serving as narrator, we see Nanbu and Ishikawa (the new girl) relieving Kodai and Aihara. (Nanbu's station has been taken over by Kitano), the pilots having fun in their briefing room - except for Sawamura who seems a bit down because of all his dead comrades - and Niimi still sad about Mamoru's death. Mikage is in her quarters and so distracted recording her log she doesn't notice she's late for her shift. In the rush to leave she runs into Sawamura in the corridor. Nanbu and Kitano look at a monitor where we see the condition of the WMG, all energy conduits marked sealed and the trigger at the gunnery station with a red tape over it.
Kodai visits Okita who is listening to an old vinyl record and they have a conversation over some tea. Dr. Sado and Makoto arrive just as Kodai leaves. He meets Yamamoto in the elevator hub and the two have a long overdue talk, interrupted by Shima's arrival. In the lab, we see Mikage analysing wht seems to be a Garmillas translation device.
Deep space. The Lambea is undergoing repairs to the damage caused by Yamato's shock cannons. The Garlent heavy bomber is "landed" in the top deck. Berger watches an old recording of his girlfriend (she died a while back) until his presence is requested on the bridge. Baren and his crew shed tears as the Garlent - damaged beyond repair is jetissoned. Baren tells Berger the battlecarrier Mirangal is on its way to meet them.
Berger is less than pleased to learn about the cease fire between Garmillas and Earth. There's a long talk between him and Neredia - the 2 were an item back in the day. Suddenly Berger start hearing a son - similar to the eerie song we heard back in episode 14 when Yamato was caught in Mirenel's psychic net. Fade to black.
Shima, Yamaoto and Kodai meet Yuki on the observation deck for an impromptu photo shoot. Suddenly the ship is rocked by detonations. They rush to the bridge and Kodai wonders if the Garmillas are attacking them but the ship profiles don't match any Garmillas ships. They strike back with some king of fragmentation variant of the type-3 projectiles, turning the Devastators to scrap. In the nearby Kizca, captain Parakas contacts Dagam to report on the encounter. Dagam seems to be aware of who they are - reffering to them as Terrons - and issues the order to pursue. Note: Gatlanteans seem to be a more barbaric race - hence the term used by the Garmillas to define them - having food on the main tactical display and tossing it asside when battle time comes, having drums on the bridge sounding the rush to battle, etc.
Yamato finds itself confronted with the unknown fleet - though they rapidly identify as Gatlantis, possibly due to information received from the Garmillas in episode 22 or after. A coms channel is open, prompting Shima to hutter "First Contact!". Dagam's face appears on the main viewer in classic Yamato style. He speaks in Gatlantean and Ishikawa translates. Eventually we hear the conversation flow in japanese. In the absence of Sanada, Kodai takes point and identifies himself as Susumu Kodai, XO of Yamato. Dagam demands their surrender and the conversation goes down hill from there.
Though he initially ordered the crew to battle stations and the Falcons to prepare to launch, Kodai decides to make a run for it in face of the large enemy numbers and unknown factors of dealing with their yet unknown tactics. Sanda, who stands in the back of the bridge, smiles as he looks at the young officer taking command.
Pursued by the enem, Yamato heads for a nearby planet with a strange hollow structure. A single Lascaux pursues it. Dagam readies the Flame Gun and, though his ship is in his direct line of fire, he order it to shoot the enemy. The Lascaux is blasted away and Yamato veers off just enough to avoid a direct hit, though the Wave-Motion Shield take a severe pounding, droping bellow 40%. The descend to the planet with Kukulcans pursuing. Swirving at full speed through the rocky formations and using them to avoid enemy fire, Yamato gets some shots in. Unfortunately, the Gatlanteans fire causes severe damage to some of the structure... the planet arbors a massive hive of jelly-fish like space creature that respond to the destruction by attaching themselves to the ships hulls, absorbing energy right out of them. Eventually, larger creatures attack, one to each ship. When a Gatlantis vessel tries to shoot a creature off its gun turret, the creature simply absorbs the blast, and surges it back, blowing the ship up.
With energy levels dropping and runnign out of room to fly, Yamato goes into warp in the hopes of forcing the creatures loose. As they release Yamato, they overload and detonate, causing a massive explosion that obliterates a sizeable part of the planet. Dagam is not pleased. Yamato's crew awake, having been rendered unconcious by the concussion blast. They find themselves in a sea of grys clouds with a glowing ringed planet in the center. Yamato starts moving on its own - prompting Kodai to recall what happened in episoe 14 (see a patern yet? ). Shima is unable to regain control as Yamato is taken into the clouds and all the way to a massive structure covered in writing.
They decide to go down to the planet, having detected a Garmillas distress signal. Kodai, Niimi, Aihara, Mikage and Sawamura, along with Analyzer, descend using the White Stork. Just as they submerge in the planet's water surface, it seems to crack like glass and contact is lost.
Kodai eventually regains control of the White Stork and they find themselves over a large jungle. Mikage finds the landscape strangely familiar. They make a water landing in a river and make it ashore but eventually, even the White Stork's exceptional all terrain capabilities are not enough to navigate the dense jungle. They leave Analyzer aboard to try and regain contact with Yamato as they proceed on foot to try and find the source of the signal.
Mikage says the jungle looks just like the Amazon, which she visited with her mother when she was a little girl. Sawamura says all jungles look alike but she replies this one is exactly the same. They're interrupted by Aihara that call them to a nearby ridge. Bellow them is... Yamato. The WW II battleship.
As they board the vessel they find themselves in a hotel lobby, eventually finding Berger, Neredia, Baren and Melhi in a lounge. They see the Garmillas dressed in Earth clothes but the Garmillas see them in Zaltzi uniforms, prompting them to believe they're Zaltz soldiers. Kodai maintains the ruse, for the time being.
They seem to be trapped there. The doors all lead back to the main hall and the elevator to the top floors is locked. Sawamura fall into a hole in a corridor through which they try to dig a way out. At night in her room, Mikage hears an eerie whisper. Note: During all these scenes, Melhi seems to be progressivelly loosing his mind.
Meanwhile, Yamato keeps its position, trying to regain contact with their crew members. Almost 6 hours have passed (showing their perception of time iside the phenomenon is askew).
Eventually, Mikage goes to the Yamato's conning tower, where she finds Melhi, who has a bag of food with him - they been rationing whatever food they could find all this time. Melhi ays he knows they're not Zaltzi but Terrons and draws a gun on her. The situation scalates and eventually they're all in the tower. Berger tries to talk his friend out of his lunacy, but soon realizes Melhi is right and Kodai and the others are from Yamato. As Melhi prepares to fire, Sawamura drops from above, causing him to drop the bag. Instead of food, there's a skull... They're now in a dark room, surrounded by adorned collums and in a corner, a pile of long dead bodies... Neredia says they're Gatlantean soldiers which wondered into the phenomenon and died long ago. Berger asks how she know about that. Neredia glows and turns in Sharbat (or something like that), claiming she is an Akerian.
Whatever comes next is reliant in understanding the japanese dialogue which i do not, so i'll jump forward. And because this becomes a massive action sequence and i saw this part in bits and peaces, here's just the jist of it.
- Dagam and his fleet arrive at the phenomenon.
- Neredia - the real one, that has been on the Lambea all along - takes the Garmillas fleet and joins Yamato against their common enemy.
- The "hostages" of the phenomenon are sent back to their ships.
- Kodai takes command of Yamato into battle and in a massive homage to the Battle of Saturn, they fight the Gatlanteans in the rings of the "phantom planet".
- The battle is massive and must be seen to be believed. I'll just say it puts even the Rainbow Star Cluster Battle to shame.
- Of course they eventually win the day, with Kodai using a totally insane maneuver to beat Dagam.
- After the battle is won the phenomenon collapses, revealing a massive device, to which Sanada reffer to as Overtechnology. After a message from Sharbat, the device zooms away - totally different warping technology.
- The remnants of the Garmillas fleet part ways with yamato who flies off towards the Milky Way.
Epilogue: In a mid-credits scene, we jump forward and, as a nice bookend to the inicial scene, we see Saito, now the Security Chief at the UNCF HQ barging in on the main control room and confronting Hijikata. Just as they talk, a radio message comes in... Yamato has returned.